Saturday, February 2, 2013

Trackitdown's Guest Reviewer: Simon Patterson

This week we caught up with globe trotting DJ & trance champion Simon Patterson for this exclusive guest review! The Night Vision label boss talks to ahead of his forthcoming appearances for Goodgreef in Manchester and Rong in Middlesbrough next month!

Thanks very much for taking time out to speak to us! Can you tell the readers where you are in the world today and what you’ve been up to over the last 7 days?
I Just got back from Canada, I played Government in Toronto. One of the best clubs in the world and I'm working hard on my album. So all go at the moment!

Your label Night Vision is consistently smashing our charts here at Trackitdown, what is the secret to your great A&R?
Glad they do well. No secret. I Just want to pick tunes that I think have something about them. An edge or a good solid foundation.

A lot of our readers will be budding producers and will be keen to hear what your criteria are for signing new talent to Night Vision. Can you tell us what you look for and more importantly how young producers are best to try and catch your ear with their demos?
Just have your own sound. Melody is important to me and the tracks sounding a little edgy. Not sounding like a million other producers or ripping them off.

Your early career included working with some very experienced people such as Dino Lenny, Dave Lambert, Nick Halkes and Judge Jules. Can you tell us a bit about those early days and how working with such dance industry legends helped shape your outlook and drive your success?
Massively. These guys shaped my career. All perfectionists and highly successful. You can't fail having these guys working along side you. I took bits from each of them.

Obviously the music industry has changed a hell of a lot over the last 10 years, but would you advise aspiring young producers and DJs to try and find some work experience to help them learn? Where do you think might be a good place for them to start?
I think producing is the key. It's the future. Just spend time learning software, the piano and reading. finding your own sound and creating a vibe. I went into A&R cause thats what I wanted to do so got experience working with labels but for budding DJ's etc producing will always be the key.

Over the last decade it’s become easier for young artists to do a lot of the marketing, production and promotion themselves using technology and the internet. Do you think The fact that anyone can get a record online has helped raise the standard?
I think its raised the standard. It's everyone for himself now. It's made it more competitive but thats a good thing. Competition is healthy. There are so many talented producers out there, at least its easier for these guys to be discovered.

You are considered the champion and favoured headliner for the team 140 crew who love their beats pumping but one of the main trends of the last 12 months has been the emergence of a slower sound on the main stage. Do you find this frustrating or do you think it helps you and Night Vision stand out more?
No bpm means nothing. I play at different speeds all the time, to me people are shocked when I explain I was playing at 134.  You make it sound fast by the tunes you play and how you play them.

Where are the hotspots for the Night Vision sound around the world? Are there any secret places who really go for it that we might not immediately consider?
No. Things are all about to change on all fronts so watch this space really!

As you’re such a busy DJ and producer, who makes up the Simon Patterson and Night Vision team behind the scenes and how important is it to build up a solid crew in the age of doing it yourself’?
Loads of people help. A team of people doing different things. Only recently has it been like this. I was doing it mostly on my own and it's impossible to do that. Thankfully there are lots of people doing different things now. All I have to do is DJ and produce. Makes my life so much easier and I'm grateful to have them in place.

It’s obviously the New Year and we’d finally like you to tell us who is on your ones to watch list for 2013?
There's not really anyone I have seen or heard I am tipping. For trance esp the faster stuff it all needs new ideas and vibes. It's too samey. Will Atksinson I like a lot but he's not new.  I have gone back to my roots over last 5 months and taken much more psy into my sets. For me setting the standard again is Astrix. I love his stuff. He never went away and he's def not new but he's still the best at his game.
Sadly that is all we had time for, a big thank you to Simon Patterson for taking the time out to speak with us.

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